Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Brides UK Feature!!!


 Today we picked up the May/June Issue of Brides Magazine UK, and saw that we had FOUR pages featured inside for Bryan + Kim's Puerto Rico wedding.  How cool is that?!  Make sure to get out there and pick one up! Americans, I think that you can probably find it at some news stands or maybe even a nice book store.
  Brides Magazine May/June Issue Studio 1208 (Maria Bentley) featureBrides Magazine May/June Issue Studio 1208 (Maria Bentley) feature Brides Magazine May/June Issue Studio 1208 (Maria Bentley) feature Brides Magazine May/June Issue Studio 1208 (Maria Bentley) feature Brides Magazine May/June Issue Studio 1208 (Maria Bentley) feature

Thank you so much to Bryan + Kim for having us be a part of your day, and to all the vendors for making the wedding so beautiful - the decor by Amy Nichols, the wedding designer and coordinator was stunning, and the printed goods by Jane Incao of York Design were gorgeous!
 We hope to have many more magazine features to share with you soon!  Get in touch if you have an amazing wedding you want us to be a part of!


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