Friday, 27 July 2018

Meghan Markle, Eat Your Heart Out...

The words that Jo's dad said to her when he saw her in her gown for the first time...

How do I even begin to describe this wedding, these people, this trip?! It feels impossible to describe how wonderful and fun it all was - how kind and beautiful and good to the core these people are - how much we literally adore their entire groups of friends and family. It was like a surreal dream, and documenting this was our true pleasure. Gavin, I'm in love with your wife!!

Jo + Gavin are kinda the best. He is on the quieter side and totally chilled out - the nicest guy you could ever meet (and not to mention super handsome) and Jo, well, she is a firework (and a MAJOR babe!!)...full of life and fun and incredibly thoughtful of everyone. And together, they have made the cutest little mini sunshine called Jackson. They wanted to get everyone together to celebrate their love of music, fun and a good g&t on a warm Island in Spain, and the famous party spot (Ibiza, duh) didn't disappoint! We got to spend loads of time together with them and their squad - we even flew together, and by the time the wedding was upon us, we were all in it together, drinks, laughs, tears and all! I won't spoil it with more jabber - just watch. I promise it will melt your heart, and make you smile from ear to ear.

We love you guys!



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    مثل الأمانة والجدية في التعامل، ولكن لن يتم التوصل لأشخاص بأعينهم يتميزون بمثل تلك الصفات، ولذلك نرشح لك عميلنا شركتنا شركة كشف تسربات المياه، فهي الشركة الوحيدة التي تعمل على حل تلك الأزمات بسهولة كبيرة.

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    خزانات المياه في كافة المباني فإنها من العناصر الهامة والضرورية لحفظ مخزون وفير من المياه يصلح للإستخدام الآدمي عند الحاجة في الشرب والطهي والاعمال اليومية الحيوية التي لا غني عنها .

    لذلك تتطلب خزانات المياه عناية فائقة للحفاظ علي سلامتها والتأكد من سلامة وصفو المياه المحفوظة بداخلها


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