Saturday, 19 April 2014

Someone Like You...

Today, it is my absolute pleasure to share Craig and Danielle's gorgeous wedding film with all of you. It is always fun shooting a wedding when you know people there - when you shoot weddings, sooner or later, you start to get hired by friends and by friends of friends, and by friends of guests. That overlap is always fun, and kinda weird in an awesome way. Weddings allow us to make so many new friends, and meet people from everywhere. It is one of the greatest perks of what we do. This wedding had a lot of those kind of perks…I even made a little cameo during the dance party!

We loved shooting Craig and Danielle, telling their story and being a part of their beautiful winter wedding. Seeing them together and hearing them describe how they met, and finally fall in love was a true honour (and a crack up!). Watch their film, and hear their story…you will love it.


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