Wednesday 18 March 2015

100 years of Happiness

Courtney and Matt's gorgeous Saddlerock Ranch wedding in Malibu, California. Photo by STUDIO 1208

When you head to Picnic day at college, usually the only thing you end up afterwards with is a hangover that could slay a walrus and IF you are lucky, your dignity still relatively in tact. It's probably NOT the place where you could ever imagine finding your one true love... But that really is the beauty of love, it follows no pattern, rhyme or reason and seeks to throw two souls unwittingly together almost always when we least expect it.

That is exactly what happened with Matt and Courtney. A chance meeting at the bar led to an incredible journey together, a proposal on a plane (by the pilot) over Santa Barbara and then finally to this - their wedding day. These two incredible people are just meant to be together, and they simply light up when they are around one another. So, surrounded by the most wonderful friends and family, they tied the knot at the beautiful Saddlerock Ranch in Malibu, and danced the night away under the stars. As one of the maids of honor so beautifully said in her speech that night, Cent'anni!

"To one hundred years of happiness"!

**Simply type studio 1208 below to watch**

And if you haven't seen the trailer yet, you can check it out HERE
Nick x

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