Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Kiss

Now, it's not often that when we are working on a wedding shoot, people think you have set up an art installation.  But that was exactly what happened when we decided to shoot Danny and Miriam's trailer in Grand Central Station.  Passers by were asking if they were actors or even wax models and telling us how amazing it was.  It was incredibly flattering, especially for what we thought was a pretty normal idea!

I just casually suggested that I would like to do some time-lapse work with the bride and groom, if they were up for it.  Their wedding was actually in Long Island, but as they met right in the heart of New York City, I felt it was important to document that true love can be found in the hustle and bustle of a cosmopolitan city.  So, I came up with "The Kiss".

After 30 minutes, we had gathered such a crowd of people, security had to move people on, as it was getting difficult for people to pass!  I guess a bride and groom stood in the middle of one of the busiest places in the world, un-moving with eyes closed and lips locked for an hour, was a pretty strange sight.  I had never really thought of it that way...  I love the idea of getting lost in a kiss, where else nothing around you matters.   A moment that is probably quite rare, but you never forget it when it happens!

So, enjoy the short trailer for Danny and Miriam (who may I say are absolute champions for kissing for so long!!)

Enjoy x

And here is a gorgeous still Maria shot of the two of them also...
studio 1208

N x

1 comment:

  1. OMG ..........what a BRILLIANT BRILLIANT idea ...just pure aceness
